Captain’s Update – 8th September

Captain’s Update – 8th September

What a weekend!

Firstly congratulations to Lucy Fry who got married on Saturday!  What a beautiful bride……
On Sunday the Boathouse was buzzing with acitivity!  We had Novice and Intermediate Outings on a misty river, an Open Morning for the new GFAR course which started on Monday (16 women and 11 men!), and a very productive Boat fix day.  Thank you to everybody who pitched in, particularly to Sian who has been working tirelessly to set up the GFAR course, and to Mark who stayed for hours replacing gates, checking pitches and adjusting rigging.  Best of all we had sunshine, and many went on to have lunch at the Sun Inn (where else).
So – (here we go again) – all of this activity means a lot more work; if we are going to recruit new members from the GFAR course we need to show them a good time.  We have 3 groups to manage, and we need friendly people to help them through their paces. If you are able to help out with circuit training or an erg/tank session pease let Sian know
And – (there is more) – we have a large (and enthusiastic) Novice Squad, and an even larger Intermediate Squad – and to manage outings we need coxes.  If any of you fancy coming down once in a while to cox, or to sit a boat full of nervous new rowers, please let me know. There is always post outing cake on offer!
Pairs Head is fast approaching.  We have 6 BBL crews going head to head (bow to stern), we have a new Filippi double being delivered just in time (currently at the World Champs), and we need (yet more) volunteers.  First request is for experienced launch drivers – please let Sue Cole know if you can help out
Finally – thank you to all of you who came to the New Season Meeting last Thursday.  It was a fantastic turnout, and we covered a lot of useful things (notes attached).  Mark introduced himself, and spoke about his goals for BBL, then took us through some core weight training in the shed.
And one more thing (oh no) – thanks to Ali Elliott the Club makes about £800 a year selling boat lights.  Is there anyone out there (who works in a post office?) who could take on the simple task of packing and posting these lights?
That’s quite enough for now – volunteer overload.