Captain’s Update – 25th August

Captain’s Update – 25th August

Thank you to all of you who came and raced, ate, drank, laughed, space hopped, hoola hooped, tasted cake and blew bubbles last Saturday. We had a wonderful Club Day, with unbroken sunshine and wall to wall entertainment – heartfelt thanks to Michelle and Vicki for their committment, good humour, and hard work.
Beth and Sarah P were our glamorous marshals for the mixed doubles races.  Against the published odds, the Captains’ double held off their oppo in the semi and the final to bring home the trophy (blue on blue commemorative rigger jiggers for all participants). Well done to Cris and Sarah T, Tom and Clemmy, and Gav and Clare.
The cake competition (judged by Jackie Darling) was won by Olivia Stockdale (age 2 yrs) with a little help from her Mum, Nicola.
BBL’s new Filippi 8 was christened Sarah Powell, as a mark of appreciation for everything Sarah has done for the Club.  Not just the practical things (the availability spreadsheet, the group emails),  not just the exciting things (Henley win, Mo Farah coming to visit), not just the (sometimes irritating) tidy uppy thingies (little plastic boxes, big plastic boxes), or the fact that as Chair of the Boathouse Exec she deals with all the practical housekeeping and maintenance for the Boathouse, but also because she built a new website,  started the GFAR courses, runs the timing team for the Pairs Head, and provides Web services for HORR.  Good luck to the Sarah Powell!
The next big event is Pairs Head on 10th October.  This is our race The BBL Pairs Head, and Lucy Fry is Chair of the Pairs Head Committee.  Put it in your diaries now – you will be baking cakes, serving tea, helping on the timing teams, checking numbers and clearing up.  You might even be racing – let me know asap if you would like to enter (we already have 4 doubles and 2 pairs) so that I can source boats for everyone. Let’s go for it ladies, and make it the best Pairs Head yet!
Next week we have our New Season Meeting on Thursday 3rd September at 7pm – I hope to see most of you there to welcome Mark, our new Head Coach, and to hear what the coaching team are planning for the year ahead.
Enjoy your Bank Holiday – let’s hope the sun comes out again!