New committee

New committee

Last week was our AGM, we voted in our committee, so I’m pleased to announce our new committee members:

Secretary: Bizzie Hamblin
Social Secretary: Katy Owen
Treasurer: Lucy Fry
Safety Officer: Dave Gledhill
Webmistress: Helena Smith
We have retained some committee members and gained some new. A big thank you to the committee for 2011 and welcome to those joining.
One of the hot topics at the AGM was fundraising. Its our aim to purchase a coxed Four in the coming year, which will require significant amount of additional income. We are looking at having a stall at the summer Barnes Fair, with an erg challenge. If you are able to help out or have any ideas for fundraising please don’t hold back.
Bags4Sport update – we raised £40 with our donated clothes and textiles. Whilst this doesn’t seem a huge amount, it will pay for a coached outing, petrol and replacement batteries for lights. In the final tot up we had 25 bags. Sadly the vast majority of bags were provided by a small number of members. If we’d had one bag per member we could have raised significantly more.
Volunteers please
Upcoming head races – Wehorr, Horr and Vets Head are upon us. J is getting the ship organised. Volunteers are needed, particularly for Wehorr where many of our members will be rowing or coxing. If you’re not rowing please lend a hand. J is organising a volunteer rota so please get in touch. If you are involved in the racing please get baking – home made cakes are a fundraising winner.
On saturday we will have four boats entered for Wehorr (not sure if this is a record for BBL), we have Senior (no 29), IM2 (no 41), IM3 (no 104) and Novice (no 113) crews. Look out for the boat numbers and give them a cheer.
Good luck to all the crews!
See you at the club.